Haven't made an art post... or really any blog post in a while, so here's some examples of my linework. Lining is my favorite part of the illustration process. I always say I'd love to be able to just do lines, so working as a line artist is a good idea, right? And I think over the years my lines have gotten pretty good.
So onto some examples! You can click any image to see the full-size, though these were all scaled to be posted online in the first place, so they're not that high-res anyway. Like I said, I'm just a hobbyist and never intended to make any kind of portfolio so for now this is the best I got.

Here's some lines I did for the game Mustache Ride, which is now free on itch.io, so go try it out~ Anyway, these two characters were really fun to draw. Douglass the owl dude and Alex the ant, two of the three stars of the game.

Here's some lines for a little comic I tried to make. I'm not good with the actual sketching/pencilling, so the art is a bit wonky (and dat background tho) but I think the lines came out well.

I think the thing I'm good with the most is detailing in things like facial structure and muscles and stuff. These are just some line sketches of Grant from Spectrobes, to whom I added a mustache because mustache makes everything better.

I don't do a lot of backgrounds and props because I mostly just casually draw for myself which is mostly just faces and sometimes bodies, but here's almost a full picture I did before. There was still some detailing left to be done on the background, and of course I had to crop the bottom of the image to hide some... less tasteful features.

And speaking of less tasteful features, here's a full-body character. With the middle cut out. But the point of this one is to show what my lines look like when they're colored:

The coloring was done by me, but I'm not that great with colors. So imagine what it would look like with someone good at coloring!

And for another example...

Genesect from Pokemon :)
That's probably my best stuff. As a hobbyist, most of my time goes to getting frustrated with sketching/penciling. Also lastly here's something I never finished just because I like it:

I like doing the 'dramatic' shadowing like that~
And here's something where the lines were colored and faded and stuff to make something a bit more paint-y:

Hope you enjoyed :) Also don't forget to check out all the new changes to The Strelitzia Inn. We got a Scarlet Grace section now!