Chapter 9
The Secret of the Ruins...

If you're reading these and actually "enjoying" the "story" of Innocent Life, make sure you have read Chapter 8 before reading this post, because there seems to actually be something of a narrative now and the last week's context is important for reading this week. If you didn't see the event where Masami was part of the Sunday Surprise, you didn't read Chapter 8 yet XD

Also, Harvey games typically do not have story, even the main storyline of Rune Factory games is pretty simplistic and it's still mostly about getting to know the characters, without them having any real story events or plot (though RF does have a bit of story, especially in newer ones they've been putting more story), so honestly I was surprised that this story got... even as developed as it did? And uh, since I'm still in summer, I'm not even halfway through...??? I mean, I assume the story lasts at least an in-game year...

Also, I definitely never got this far in the story before??? Like I don't even have vague memories of any of this at this point, so... I guess I just thought I had gotten farther when I hadn't. My main memories weren't of the story, but rather the fall season and stuff, which... easily could have been confused with another seasonal game.

But yeah, on to the next week!!

So, last time we left off, I had just placed the four red jewels on my farm, which means the seal should be broken this Monday morning. Exciting, right? So guess the first thing I did after waking up...!

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"Where's My Mommy?" is on Mondays... In the last riveting episode, main kitty got stuck under a turnip (don't even ask) because this like 'bully' cat pretended to be its mommy and forced it to go get it snacks or something... and so the cat thought it was dying, and was 'seeing the light,' and in that light, saw its real mommy...

I actually thought the second cap said "real" and not "new" while playing, so I thought it was trying to suggest the real mom was actually dead. And it's like omfg we already have way too much death and depression in this game, let's not add to it with the cute kitty TV show LOLOL

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Also I made brocmac!! I'm getting close to learning all the types of dishes, I think. I think actually one more episode of Cooking Life and I should be able to attempt all styles of dishes. I've also caught up on most of the dish types, cooking all the recipes of that type. I'm missing one fruit juice and one spaghetti recipe, and then the last thing on my list is pizza and I'm not sure if I'm missing any of those (since I need to wait til I get whatever is next to see if there are any empty spaces XD) and there are not even that many spaces left, so there must not be a lot of baked treats... Anyway, I got the last boiled fish recipe I needed on this Monday, too, and with the new baked meals options from Cooking Life, I ended up doing a lot of cooking. I actually cooked for an entire hour! Cooking actually pauses the clock (including while you set the table and eat), so that hour was just the time it took me to run from the table back to the kitchen counter after every meal XD

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BTW I realize the Baa-o-Matic is supposed to look like a "robot sheep" but it just looks like some kind of BDSM leather sheep.....???????????? Anyway, my sheep got fluffy again fast!

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THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THIS REALLY. Check out daddydom clucky over there...

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OK, now that all that nonsense is out of the way, we finally break the red seal :)

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I had a lot of crops to pick today... lemons, corns, and tomatoes all came in, as well as these squash... (... squashes??)

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Finally done with work, though, I head down the elevator, since the red door is right here in the ruins themselves. Franco is outside and says that "secret pasts" are hidden behind the red door, and that he's afraid to even step foot in there. Hahaha it can't be that bad, Franco. This is just a Harvest Moon game. It's cute and lighthearted.

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Here we gooooo!

EDIT: omfg this was screenshot #444

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Despite the fact that it's consistently referred to as another part of the ruins, I was expecting a cave-like environment. But it's ruins-like! Surprise!? LOL. It's actually pretty cool, hallways and rooms and stuff, a little maze-like and I was worried about getting lost for a bit, but it's not TOO complicated.

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More orange doors...

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OK, there are skeletons on the floor? I wonder if that is supposed to hint that people tried to explore these ruins before, long ago in the past? Is that what Franco was talking about? Also, why does it have two heads but only one body? Maybe conjoined twins? Maybe me thinking too hard about what is probably just an atmospheric decoration that wasn't given much thought?

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But I finally found a new hammer at the end of that path!! Maybe those people were hammered to death hahaha. Okay, that's not funny. Actually that just made me remember something very upsetting X_X But uh, instead, I'll think of Peter, Paul & Mary. Hammer of LOVE for all the BROTHERS AND THE SISTERS all over this (IS)LAAAAAND~~~

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........ Okay, there are more skeletons. And it was about this time I started to start really wondering why there would be skeletons in here more seriously as I explored, also trying to keep track of where I had been since it's labyrinthine in here and I didn't want to miss anything.

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Orange jewels :D!! Finally!!

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Multiple floors and staircases in here. Still not too hard to keep a handle of. Definitely not the kind of place you'd need to draw a map for or anything.

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Okay, this is getting a bit much...

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As I progressed through the ruins, there seemed to be more and more of them. It's like they wanted you to notice them more the deeper you got, and think about it more as you continued........ I was really starting to kind of freak out while I was playing at this point...

Because I was thinking about it more. And remember how Dr Hope said that the spirits sealed off most of the island, and that "robbed for their reason for living," the Easter people eventually died out? But he also said "At least, that's how an old legend goes" or something. I don't think that legend was fully accurate.

Because all the entries to this place are sealed. There are seals all over this ruins. I'm pretty sure the Spirits intentionally sealed the Easter people inside the ruins, cutting off their access to life's necessities. The Spirits gruesomely murdered all of the Easter people............... I mean, why else where there be SO MANY dead bodies in here...? These have to be the remains of the Easter People..................................... Innocent Life Screenshot

yay, purple jewel I guess...??? There are dead people all around my feet.... I guess it's good Life is a robot because he's not going to be as disturbed... ??????????????????????? Look at how the one in the back is clinging to the wall???

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There are just... so many corpses.......... surrounding the jewels............... Were the Easter People trying to break the seals or something? Or were these put here after as a sort of warning or symbol or something?

Anyway, I started to run out of time... the night bell had rung and I decided to run out of the ruins and go to bed. The ruins are big, so I decided it'd be good to spend the next day just taking care of the farm, then get to sleep early so I could sleep at 4AM and have the whole day to explore the ruins some more.

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I still had all the jewels and stuff in my bag from the ruins trip during the next day because I forgot to put it in storage. So while I was picking up the milks and making them into cheese, I suddenly couldn't fit any more in my bag... had to run to the shipping pod... when I got back, it hit 17:00 when I was INCHES from picking up the very last milk bottle... and the automated shipper turned on and I couldn't pick it up... LOL I was so mad, even though it's just one cheese I missed out on XD

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Melancholy Woods was happy in a way for once, but that's creepy and foreboding knowing this show. Also, in the previous episode, the narrator talked about how the older brother and sister became like parents to them, but then it ended with a big "But..." ... Then this episode was just about how they went into town on Christmas, and the narrator finally felt happy for once because of all the joyful things surrounding them, and the brother and sister were relieved to see the narrator happy for once. Then it just kind of ended. The show's first episode started out with "These are my memories from when I was still human" SO I DON'T THINK THIS IS THE ROAD TO A HAPPY ENDING so probably something horrible is going to happen with the siblings on Christmas in the next episode. Either they'll die (but I mean, there's been a lot of death already so that's kind of unoriginal/too expected?) or maybe they'll like... abandon the kid in the city, since orphaning kids on Christmas seems to be some kind of weird trope LOL. Though usually when this trope is used, it's the other way around (someone finding an orphaned baby/child on xmas).

But yeah considering all the death in the MAIN story right now, I don't have the desire to hear of the horrors of Melancholy Woods right now so at least it was a happy episode. Final Z has been boring recently, they're kind of doing this really drawn out story arc about these aliens and it's not funny or anything, though they did just get a replacement for Blue which was kind of funny, because Pink has a crush on him and Green is jealous. Miss Cute is stupid as always... in last week's episode, actually, the person's problem was that their skirt didn't fit, so Miss Cute made the skirt bigger and they were like "wow thanks" and then after she left, the "real problem" was revealed like always... and they were like "She should have made me skinner instead of making the skirt bigger" and I was like........................................... wow this is the worst episode. Like she literally fixed the problem and there was nothing wrong and the "joke" was that being fat is bad or something. Anyway, this week's episode was that a guy was bad at cooking, so she made him good at chopping vegetables really fast, but it didn't make him any better at cooking. I kinda hate this show; it's really boring LOL

Anyway, after spending a day tending just to the farm, even though it took most of the day, I went back to the ruins proper the next day. There wasn't a lot to do on the farm, so I was able to get inside even before the afternoon bell!

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Since I didn't have to go through all the winding halls and optional paths, it was pretty easy to catch back up to where I was. I did make a few wrong turns and ended up at dead ends (that had already-opened chests; there aren't a lot of "haha dead end" points in this game, usually there's something in every direction you can go). I found this very ominous-looking chest. It contained the Water Crest!

I'm trying to find a reason for it being here. It's in a more... fancy-looking area, with no dead bodies...? But it wasn't sealed (at least I don't remember it being sealed). So I don't think that the Easter People were perhaps trying to pray to the Water Spirit for forgiveness here or anything? I'm not really sure what the crests are exactly, anyway... but apparently they do please the Spirits or perhaps help communicate with them.

Speaking of seals though, there were some yellow seals in the ruins leading to the areas with skeletons. Since it's impossible to get to the point of breaking the red seal without first breaking the yellow seal, that means those seals were not put here for gameplay purposes... but they were intentionally added to this area. Which I feel means the developers were definitely trying to imply that the Easter people were sealed inside...

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Money in a chest. That's... really strange? I've never seen money in a chest before in this game. They've all been tools or jewels, pretty much...

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Look at how this dead body is clinging to this overturned table...? chair...?

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And finally, the first GREEN JEWEL!

But uh... I'm really starting to think the placement of the skeletons was very deliberate. There was no real need to add carpeting, money in a box, tables and chairs, and one-time-use assets for skeletons clinging to walls, chairs, and sprawled out over a table. This is definitely trying to show that something happened here.

Also note that the bodies are not just randomly thrown all over the place. They're always clumped in masses around jewels or seals, except in this final area, where it looks like some kind of living space. But even then, they're clumped, and the way some are climbing on walls or hanging on to furniture... it doesn't seem like these people died of starvation. It seems they were sealed inside the ruins, and then while in a panic to escape, something happened that killed them all quite quickly. With the clumps of bodies near jewels, I feel like maybe the Easter People were trying to escape by trying to break the seals. But in this area, they aren't massive clumps... it's little individuals. Maybe this group of people decided instead of trying to escape, to set up a home here. Maybe they had built the little altar to the Water Spirit? (Since it was the Water Spirit that was upset back then, maybe they sealed the ruins and then flooded it...?) But then when the disaster or whatever hit, they tried to escape... climb up the walls... hang on to furniture (or climb on top of it?) to try to stay afloat/above the water level? Also, look at the two bodies in the corner of the last two caps... one is CLEARLY much smaller than the others. That's a fucking child's body. Maybe that's a mother and child, hanging on to each other in their final moments?????

THIS IS SEVERELY DISTURBING HONESTLY. But there's no way that these bodies weren't placed deliberately by the developers. It doesn't seem like random or just atmospheric background skeletons like you see in other games. They're definitely telling a story here. And just... wow. Wow wow wow wow. I was really freaking out after this and like... had to quit playing the game for a bit (and that's when I posted on facebook about how dark it got LOL) to like... idk, regain my sanity. I was NOT prepared for dead bodies all over the ruins telling the story of something horrific like this?

I didn't think of the idea of a flood specifically until writing this post, but I think that's a pretty good theory. (LOL CSI: VOLCANO ISLAND) I wonder if the game will try to explain this later?

Anyway, I also got some angel ribbon thing, which I thought was really weird. But the fact that you find a clothing item here definitely also suggests that the people in this little corner, which is decorated completely unlike anywhere else in the ruins, were trying to actually set up home here. This and the place with the Water Crest are the very last two places you find, so maybe these people decided to accept their guilt/punishment and try to regain the Water Spirit's favor... but in the end, everyone was killed.

BTW why is Masami still alive...?? I don't remember if it ever explained how long ago this happened, so IDK if Masami would have been a survivor from this event, or if she's a descendent of a survivor (it does refer to her as "a descendant" though). Plus, what happened to the Volcano People (the other tribe/race/whatever that lived on the island)? Are the rest of the people on the island descendants of the Volcano People? It is called "Volcano Island" now, and not "Easter Island" (Ha! That explains why there's no moai statues XD) or anything like that...

But the Volcano people would know about this, right? Wouldn't they live in great fear of the Spirits after witnessing something like that? Or maybe they didn't ever know because they were sealed off from the inside of the ruins? Maybe history muddled the truth? But Hope and Masami knew the old "story" about this or whatever? Everyone on the island seems to treat the stories of the spirits as "legends" rather than history. Or maybe the Volcano People died off, too, somehow, and the current residents are outsiders who settled here later, and that's why they don't seem to believe in or care much about the Spirits...???? And maybe the few survivors did pass on traditions like the festivals and some tales, but for the most part, the new settlers were too concerned with technology and autofarming and capitalism to really put much thought into stuff like that.

Well, that's thinking ahead too much. There's still two whole months (and the final week of Summer) to go.

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Anyway, since I got an early start, I was able to make it out to the Hermit's hut before the night bell and give her the Water Crest like I was supposed to.

She gave me the Forest Crest, and told me to take it to the Mermaid. I don't know what these people are doing with these Crests, but whatever. Maybe since these are not regular people (the Hermit has lived way longer than a normal human life, and a mermaid is not a human lol), they are able to communicate with the Spirits or something, and need the Crests to help them...?

Hermit also told me that Fire Spirit is going to kill everyone with the volcano (they REALLY want to hammer that point home, I guess...) and that it may be possible to stop it with the Water Spirit's favor. If the Water Spirit places the Fire Crest on the Altar of Ice, it could cool the Fire Spirit's rage and stop the coming destruction.

Apparently the Water Crest needs to go to the tower in Mermaid Lake. I don't really understand why, but whatever... Actually, I think that the mermaid puts the Crest there to lift the fog from the forest that I couldn't pass through before.

Anyway, I knew I was really close to the Mermaid Lake, and I needed to go talk to Mermaid... I've never actually met the Mermaid before, but it's... Mermaid Lake... that's gotta be where she lives, right? So I headed over there even though the night bell had rung almost as soon as I left the Hermit's house. I figured I could use my tent and camp out here and then head back to my farm in the morning.

I found a part of the lake surround by cacao trees (remember Moonlight kept saying in his dreams "Cacao... And a Mermaid..?" or something?? LOL well, I just inspected the edge of the water and here comes Mermaid. SHE'S HUGE LOL I was expecting like... idk, generic "hot girl" mermaid like you're used to seeing in fiction, but she's a bit monstrous. She's actually very cool!!

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I think it's interesting that she referred to Life as a "life form" here.

Anyway, all she did was tell me that she'd clear up the mist in the forest. Hermit just told me I needed to go there but didn't exactly explain why...???? But at least I have a clear direction now! To the mist!

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I checked out the description for the ribbon. I guess Life is an angel LOL (other people can see it too, so IDK why they gave it such a description)

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I set up camp and went to bed!

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The next day was a freaking storm -__________- and here I am out in no-man's-land...

Slow-buggied ALL the way home, but not before packing a bunch of cacao into my Scale Pack.

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Then I remembered those blueberries, too... Sadly I had already packed my Scale Pack so full it wouldn't let me pick any more cacao or anything... But the blueberries ended up being so lightweight I could still fit a few in there! And they were worth a LOT, too. Probably the most profitable Scale Pack foraging item I've seen so far. They sold for like 7 times their weight!

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The next day, I checked out the storm damage. Check out my one lone pineapple... after three storms I only have one pineapple left...

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LOOK AT MY BEAUTIUFL ROSE GARDEN. Yup, I planted SO MANY and had TWO STORMS before they could grow. Oh well, I don't think I had red or yellows before. Not that it keeps track of what colors you've found or anything, but I just think it's neat personally...

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I spent a lot of time messing around on the farm, and when I went to check on the animals, the sheep were all in a line??? Since I could see that "scene" where the conveyor belt ships the milk and eggs, I wondered if I'd get to see the sheep get sheared...

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And I did! A little creepy how they all moved in perfect unison along with the Baa-o-Matic, but whatever, that was neat!

I also missed out on getting to pick up the milk and eggs to make cheese and mayonnaise, though.

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I got to pick more blueberries on the way to the mist forest place. There was a place I had to cross a log and couldn't get by on the buggy. I hate leaving the buggy behind! I'm so attached to it!

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There are a lot of treasures in here, and they all say they are sealed... I didn't check every last one (I probably should have) but like at least 6 or 7 of them said this so I stopped checking. Innocent Life Screenshot

There's obviously something behind here on the map, and these roots seem to be blocking the way... Whatever is behind here is probably where the Hermit is wanting me to go.

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I met the Nature Sprites of Friendship and Knowledge! There seems to be a third Nature Sprite, the Sprite of Memories. Apparently, his memories became so sad that he isolated himself suddenly... but it made the other Sprites lose their memory of where they were and now they are lost? And the Forest Spirit is sleeping somewhere, and they think that since I'm friends with Mermaid that I must be able to figure out how to awaken the Forest Spirit (is it really sleeping or is it still sealed from when the Water Spirit sealed it? If the Water Spirit rules over the waters and the Fire Spirit over the Volcano, maybe the Forest Spirit rules over the plants and ground and stuff, and that's why the soils have become so infertile anymore, because the Forest Spirit was sealed? or maybe it's a bit of all three of the Spirit's powers...)

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If you look at the blue dot on the map, this treasure was like INSIDE A WALL... I hope I haven't been missing out on weird stuff like that...???

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I also noticed that the Forest Crest that I got from the Hermit says it should be shown to the Sprites. But my guess is that I need to have all three of them together.

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Masa was just like a weird tangle of limbs when I found here this evening lol.

Anyway, Sunday finally rolled around so I went into town for the first and only time this week.

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Jonathan is STILL saying this????

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LOL I love Jessica's poems so much...

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Gallion actually had a poem this time, too! Normally he just comments about how Masami's class is full.

Liberta said the same stupid "I'm not here for Masami" thing and Franco's poem was the same as last week's.

I went to the store to buy parts for the conveyor track system thing. I just bought the basic parts and it was almost 10k gold, but I had over 110k from all the stuff I shipped this summer. I really was working hard! The animal products (about 2k a day, and 4k a week from sheep!) have been helpful, too!

Of course, that was just the basic parts... a motor and a... shipper thing... and two little wooden planks. I still need to buy all the tracks and other parts lol.

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Nobody was up on the weird platforms. But I discovered I could ride the buggy up the stairs lol.

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The adults actually go to the school and study on the weekends! The school seems to also function like a town library, and the classes seem to be kind of... open? And on weekends, it seems the classroom is more like a high-tech computer lab that people can use for their own research or whatever.

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Whicker, whicker.

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I was really disappointed that most people were saying the SAME OLD SHIT after everything that happened with my traumatic experience in the ruins. But I was really hoping SOMEONE would say something different... Jean is still saying the "Ah, Dr Hope told me about you" thing as if we still haven't met... it's been HALF A YEAR, Jean!!!

Anyway, Emma took the Angel Ribbon! Weird! Also a "souvenir" from the ruins................ if she only knew.......................................... I don't think she'd think it was that great LOL. But uh, is she going to find the man of her dreams now...? Who the heck could it be? I can't even think of any young singles in the town besides Lenny, but that's her brother LOL. Actually, Million might be single? He's kinda older (like as in not a teenager, and in Japanese games, ONLY teenagers experience romances LOL) but I think he's single? I remember someone at the bar saying if I ever found a fashion accessory, to give it to their son, because they want him to meet someone nice...??? So maybe I can find another item and give it to that person's son, and they'll be fated to meet Emma and fall in love IDK LOL. But yeah, Million is the only single guy in the village that I can even think of.

WAIT, THERE'S LIBERTA LOLOLOLOLOL. AND UH SHE WORKS FOR HIM DKSLJGLSKDJGLKSJGLKDJG OK, I feel like with how much I love Liberta I probably would have stumbled upon something that said you could hook him up with Emma LOLOL. But Million is a single guy AND has parents in the town, so it must have been Masami or Gallion telling me about it... and now that I think about it, it happened at the bar but not during the time when the bar was in preparations for the night crowd, and the only people in there during that time are Masami and Nana, and Nana and Max have no children, so it had to have been Masami who said it. LOL I'M A REAL DETECTIVE IN THIS ENTRY LMFAO.

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Anyway, as I often do, I also went to the shrine of the Fire Spirit.................. and........... it looked like this.

looks like Marco's company finally started construction in the cave... which means they're trying to burrow under the Volcano now.


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THE ALTAR TO THE FIRE SPIRIT WAS REMOVED... They shoved it off to the side and even put out the flames!! THE FIRE SPIRIT IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE PISSED NOW!!!!!!!

And like... IDK, there was something special about this place to me. It was the first "positive" event in the game that took place here (the Spring Festival), and I always like to hop in here on my town visits... So to see it defiled like this really made me sad???? I actually teared up a little when I saw the altar pushed off to the side with no flames burning, and the random construction shit in the corner... it was just... so sad? So I KINDA HATE MARCO RIGHT NOW LOL. Mustache be damned.

Oh, but hey, now he won't be having that discussion with Chuck all the time and begging for funding/permission, so maybe I can find Marco and Chuck saying/doing new things sometimes in the evenings ???

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Anyway, no special visitors for Sunday Special, but instead, Dr Hope and Vita told me about how there was an accident with the construction in the cave, and something had burst and leaked coolant everywhere, and now there are fumes in the cave and people can't even enter anymore. Hope actually just told me to stay away, but Vita suggested that Gallion had an idea, and that I should talk to him. I mean, if people can't enter -- Guess who isn't a real person?! Haha! (Though since Hope made Life able to sweat and get hungry and other dumb stuff for no reason, maybe he also made him able to be poisoned by fumes LOL)

SO I went back to Gallion at poetry class and he kept saying his poem to me -_- I really was hoping to hear about his idea today, and it was close to the evening bell, so I just hung around for that. You actually can't enter Shop-A-Million from the front after the evening bell on Sundays, but I found you could enter their house from the back entrance (phew!)

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Oh yeah, while waiting for the evening bell, I went into Marlene and Gayak's house, and Marlene told me that she and Rose were good friends as kids and Rose used to be a tomboy lol. It was kinda cute.

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Anyway, at Gallion and Masami's place, Gallion told me he had an idea to grow herbs in the cave that would somehow help mitigate the fumes, idk. He had the store order supplies (Earth Power Sand and herb seeds) that can be used. So I'm guessing they'll be available in the shop tomorrow! Also, apparently the reason people aren't entering is because of the smell... but Life is able to smell, too...?????

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Masami and Million talked about how Lenny cooks for them on Sundays. At first I was like "Oh, that's nice helping out his parents like that" but........................ then I realized..... Lenny is not related to these people in any way other than he works for Million LOL. Million is Gallion and Masami's son (actually, if Masami is in her 40s, maybe Million is actually pretty young, like early 20s? He looks a little scruffy, which is usually a character design for 'older' characters, but... maybe it's to go along with his 'unappealing to girls' thing idk lol) and Lenny is Emma's brother and Jean's son. He lives in the back of the Liberta's Winery. But he spends his days off... cooking for his employer's family...? The only time I've even seen him around the Winery is when he was in Liberta's house (not the winery!) going through Liberta's stuff in Liberta's bedroom while Liberta was in the basement... O_o

Anyway, that's how the week ended... the rest of the day was pretty much just driving back home and going to bed. Next week will probably be pretty simple... just focus on growing the herbs in the cave. Maybe the Nature Sprite of Memories is in the cave somewhere or will be attracted by the herbs or something... I have a feeling there's not much else I can do as far as exploring/whatever at this point. Maybe go talk to Mermaid and Hermit again since they seem to know about stuff like this. Maybe try to grab some peaches while I'm out.

Also, I have a feeling each month is going to revolve around a crest/spirit or something...? Like the first month was about the Fire Spirit and learning the basic story -- that he's angry and the volcano is going to blow. Then Summer seemed to revolve around learning of the Water Spirit's anger in the past, and getting the Water Crest. I wouldn't be surprised if Fall revolved around awakening the Forest Spirit and using the Forest Crest that I have. And then finally, the winter, will be based on somehow cooling down the anger of the Fire Spirit once again, a more proper chapter about the Fire Spirit, or maybe a chapter about all three Spirits and the history of the island.

But yeah... this week certainly was a trip! I can't believe how much more eventful the summer has been compared to the spring... the spring was pretty much "grow a single vegetable and we'll hold a festival!" and then summer was like... ALL OF THIS LOL.

In a way, I'm hoping the game never explicitly reveals what happened inside the ruins... because I really like speculating about stuff like that and coming up with fan theories? It's part of what's fun about Pokémon's story is because it's left very vague, but there are all kinds of little hints about that lead you to think about some really dark stuff if you want to, but not explicit enough that little kids are going to think much of it because they tend to take things at face value.

But yeah, I'm just really liking my theory of flooding the ruins after trapping the Easter People inside... because I feel like it really makes a lot of sense, and I'm really proud of myself for coming up with it, because I often can't even see stuff when a story hits you over the head with it lol.

But yeah, 10 WOW

(Also, facebook was trying to tag the dead Easter People as faces)

OH YEAH, random thing I just thought of... Marcia is able to see the Nature Sprites! I wonder if she'll play into the upcoming story revolving around them? That would be really awesome! Also, the Nature Sprite of Memories has run away... and Marcia ran away once, too... Maybe they will end up becoming friends somehow or something? That's a bit thinking too much, but I really hope they take a direction with Marcia befriending or talking to Nature Sprites somehow! In a lot of Harvey games, there's lore surrounding who can and cannot see Sprites (the games are not connected so these are not the same Sprites, nor would they follow the same rules, but it's just a recurring theme), and in the other PS2 Harvey game (Save the Homeland), only people with pure hearts who believe in nature can see Sprites, and those people are destined to become heroes.