Harvest Moon DS Cute
~Colobocle Station~

Hello, friends, and welcome to my play diary for Harvest Moon DS Cute! Or rather, Colobocle Station for Girl. The Harvest Moon DS/Colobocle Station games are my favorite entry in the Harvest Moon series, so it was hard to decide which game to actually use for the diary.

In the end, I chose the original Japanese version of the updated "girl version" of the game to be the most finished version of the game in the series. It has all the new updates that came with the second version like clothing options, plus there's no removed or bugged content that we lost in the localization.

Importantly, we lost the mailbox (which had a lot of nifty little content to it), as well as the "best friends" system, which I'll go into more in the diary itself as it becomes relevant.

Colobocle Station for Girl Title Screen

As I start this new diary, I have no idea who I'm going to marry, so if you're reading, feel free to give your opinions on the eligible love interests, as you could easily influence my final decision! I do want to try dating everyone, though, to see all the scenes, and then make my decision based on those scenes and who seems to be most popular with you guys.

I'm also going to be using a hard no-save-scumming rule for myself. You can trivialize most of the growth and challenge in the game by abusing the game's save feature, and I don't want to do that. So my rule is going to be that I can only use a single save slot, and I can only save once per day, after waking up and before leaving the house for the day. This will make the save system similar to older titles where you saved upon going to bed, and will allow for a lot of the game's random elements to not be bypassd or manipulated. I'll also explain why that's so important to me as we go through, too.

My main goal for now is just to rescue most of the Colobocles, see the six "main" love interests' Heart Events, and finally choose someone to marry. Depending on how much fun I'm having and how much reader interest there is, I might stretch those goals to include more, like rescuing all of the Colobocles, seeing the events for all fifteen love interests, having a child and having that child grow up, completing the shipping list, getting the vacation home, etc.

The introduction to the story is too hilarious to make a serious post about it here, so we'll just jump right in to the first entry with that...

  1. Harvest Moon DS Cute
  2. Let's Rescue Colobocles!
  3. Let's Make Friends!