

At the end of a battle where a character wielding a staff has participated, magical energies can gather and can be absorbed into a staff. This phenomenon is known as Flux, and is the way to learn new Incantations and power-up known ones through Rank Up.

When Flux occurs, you may select one staff-wielding member of the party, and then select one of their known Incantations into which to absorb the Flux. When Flux is absorbed into an Incantation, it gains a type of points called Flux, which is shown by a small bar on the Flux selection screen. If the target Incantation and the elemental field of the battle match, the target Incantation will gain extra Flux points. The Flux can also have different strengths after a battle, which will give more or less Flux points depending on how strong it is.

Rank Up

Once an Incantation has absorbed enough Flux to fill the bar on the Flux selection screen, it will Rank Up and the bar will be reset. Each Rank requires more Flux than the last.

Each Rank also has a level requirement. In order to Rank Up, you must have the elemental school proficiency level needed. While Flux may be absorbed into any Incantation, if you don't meet the level requirement, the Incantation will not Rank Up when the bar is filled. The Incantation will Rank Up the next time you absorb Flux into it once you have met the level requirement.

In order to rank up to Rank I, your corresponding elemental school proficiency level must be 3 or higher.

In order to rank up to Rank II, your corresponding elemental school proficiency level must be 16 or higher.

In order to rank up to Rank III, your corresponding elemental school proficiency level must be 29 or higher.


Whenever Flux is absorbed into an Incantation, it targets another Incantation to Glimmer. If the target Incantation is already learned or the level requirement to learn the target Incantation is not met, you will not be able to Glimmer a new Incantation. Otherwise, there is a chance to Glimmer the target Incantation, and the chance increases slightly with every failed attempt at that respective target Incantation.

The Incantation that is targeted for Glimmer depends on the Incantation that absorbs Flux and the type of staff that the Incantation's owner has equipped. Incantations are organized into four tiers, with each school of magic having one Incantation of each tier. Each tier has a level requirement, with tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 having a requirement of level 0, 1, 8, and 18 respectively. In order to learn an Incantation of that tier, you must have the elemental school proficiency level required.

A Basic Staff will target the Tier 1 Incantation of the current absorbing spell, unless the current absorbing spell is a Tier 1 Incantation. In that case, the staff will target another of the Tier 1 spells from a different element. The order that they target goes Natura - Ignis - Terra - Aes - Unda - Natura. The target will not "skip" a school, so if you're absorbing into Thorny Fetters (Tier 1 Natura), the staff will target Blazing Rush (Tier 1 Ignis) even if you already know it. So if you already know Blazing Rush, there will be no available Glimmer when absorbing into Thorny Fetters. Since Tier 1 Incantations have a level requirement of 0, you can always learn new Incantations from a Basic Staff until you know all five Tier 1 Incantations.

A Standard Staff will target the next Tier up in the elemental school of the Incantation absorbing the Flux. For example, if you absorb Flux into Sleep (Tier 2 Terra), you will target Earth Heal (Tier 3 Terra). If you already know Earth Heal or you haven't met the Terra Level requirement of 8, there will be no chance to Glimmer.

A Reverse Staff will target the next Tier down in the elemental school of the Incantation absorbing the Flux. For example, if you absorb Flux into Rain of Life (Tier 3 Unda), you will target Water Blast (Tier 2 Unda). If you already know Water Blast, there will be no chance of Glimmer.

An Elemental Staff will target differently depending on if the Incantation absorbing Flux matches the element of the staff. If the staff's element and the Incantation's element match, the target will function like the Standard Staff and will target the next Tier up in the elemental school; however, if the staff's element and the Incantation do not match, the staff will target the Incantation of the same Tier as the Incantation absorbing flux in the element of the staff. For example, if you absorb Flux into Rain of Life (Tier 3 Unda) with an Aes staff, you will target Siren (Tier 3 Aes). Again, if you already know Siren or don't meet the Tier 3 level requirement of 8, there will be no chance of Glimmer.

In order to glimmer a Tier 3 Incantation, the Incantation absorbing Flux needs to be Rank I or higher.

In order to Glimmer a Tier 4 Incantation, the Incantation absorbing Flux needs to be Rank II or higher.